Kisker Construction “Flies” over Iraq

Kisker Construction

Most of us will never forget the morning of September 11, 2001 when our world was changed forever. I, like most people, was going about my business not even aware of the events transpiring in New York and Washington until I turned on the radio that morning. The following reminds me of how small of world we live in and how events in our life tend to come full circle.

On the morning of September 11, I was meeting Greg and Linda Skene on the site of their new home on Lake Keowee. It was the day we started clearing the lot of trees and locating the house on their lot. After marking all the trees to be removed, we decided to return to my personal house to look at cabinets as well as review other construction details. On the short trip to my home, the radio was broadcasting the events as well as safety alerts. As I got out of my truck I asked the Skene’s if they were listening to the radio. They were not. We all immediately went in and watched the towers fall. There we were, people who only met in the past few months, watching and sharing the emotions together on one of the most historical events of our time transpiring on TV.

We went on to complete the Skene’s new home over the next several months. Over the next few years our friendship continued to grow with Greg and Linda. As with most parents, we were trying to make our two young daughters aware of the world events, yet protect them from worrying about their safety. As the years past after 9-11 and the war in Iraq progressed, we felt as parents we needed to help our daughters understand that there were soldiers still sacrificing for our safety and way of life.

An opportunity arose in the summer if 2005 when the Skene’s made us aware that their son Kevin, a Captain and Harrier pilot in the Marines had received his orders for Iraq. I asked if Kevin would be interested in having some “e-mail pals” to correspond with while doing his tour. Upon immediately agreeing, we introduced my daughters to Captain Kevin Skene on his last visit to Seneca before shipping off to Iraq. We gave him a Kisker Construction hat and shirt for good luck.

Over the next several months and through the holidays, the girls corresponded with Kevin via e-mail and sent him several care packages, which Kevin greatly appreciated. They enjoyed hearing his stories and seeing pictures of his ship and of him flying. Most of all, I think they began to understand what our brave soldiers were doing and sacrificing (hopefully a valuable civics lesson for my daughters) for our safety and way of life.

Upon returning safely back to Seneca, Kevin presented the girls with a flag that flew with his harrier jet on an official mission, and the pictures with his Kisker Construction hat while he was flying over Iraq. We thank Kevin for his brave service and continue to wish himGod Speed while he is in Iraq.

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