Kisker Construction is pleased to announce that we have been accepted into the Cliffs Signature Services Program. The Cliffs has put into place this program so property owners are assured that they are working with the most qualified, professional builders in the upstate area. Signature Builders have been though one of the most exhaustive and unbiased review processes in the industry and we are very proud to have entered this exclusive program.
Having built in The Cliffs Communities over the past years, we are familiar with the Architectural Review Process and all the rules and regulations governing these exclusive developments. Having achieved membership in this program identifies that Kisker Construction is an established builder with a long history of total customer satisfaction.
For more information on the Cliffs Communities, please visit
NOTE: This is a registered mark of The Cliffs Communities, Inc. and is used with permission. Kisker Construction is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by The Cliffs Communities.